Be wary of emotionally charged laws named after dead people

There’s an old adage in politics that says “it’s always better to do something than nothing.” One look at emotionally charged legislation like Kate’s Law, however, and that hackneyed phrase gets turned on its head.

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Is Caylee’s Law.necessary? ABSOLUTELY!! Only by charging more average everyday folks with felony charges and soul-crushing mandatory minimums, grinding more people under the millstone of our criminal legal system, will we eventually be able to get society to start addressing these Draconian laws. So I say, “Yes, absolutely!!” We need more and more of these insane laws until the public outcry becomes deafening!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

These laws are enacted because an individual died. These laws destroy thousands of lives, including children’s lives. The reality of these laws is that tens of thousands of people are punished for the crimes of one person, many die or are rendered homeless and unemployable. The reality is that it doesn’t matter how many laws there are to address one problem; if an individual is going to commit a crime that falls under these laws there is nothing these laws can do to deter or stop the crime from being committed. Perhaps if those anti constitution people that took the registry and turned it into a monster they have lose control of LE would have the resources and time to make a difference. What these laws really do is hobble LE and cost the taxpayer for something that has proven to be useless for their stated purpose.

These laws have never saved “just one child” or stopped any crime from being committed.

I was trying to explain this phenomenon to a friend a couple nights ago over a few beers. Politicians dont want to be “soft” on crime and rarely object to passage in fear it will effect reelection. That’s why I give kudos to all people who voted aye on SB 421. Now to hope that there is no huge backlash before the final committee hearing, assembly hearing, and then Browns signature.

These emotionally charged people need to seek help and I mean professional help. If anyone has seen the 1981 movie Clash of the Titans you would remember in the scene where Calibos goes crying over to his statue mother Thetis saying “I demand justice” all because he lost his hand in fighting Perseus, and Thetis responded with “Justice or Revenge?”. Think about it!, these emotionally charged people crying out to their legislators for more justice and more strict SOR laws because they lost their love ones, and that “sex offenders are dangerous”, do they want justice or revenge? Maybe they need to think about what went wrong that led to that tragedy and think about what could of done differently and also learn to let their deceased loved ones go and continue on their lives with better understanding and learn to think right.

Megan’s Law and the AWA is just a revenge fantasy with “get even” mentality. They don’t won’t sex offender to be happy, which is spite work in actuality! They want all those guilty by association to be just as miserable as the parents that whined to lawmakers to give their child’s death a “legacy.” All these superfluous laws that supposedly “honor” a child’s death are little more than retaliatory vengeance and weaponized hatred. They want all sex offenders to languish forever The rhetoric doesn’t match reality when it comes to community notification.

I’m obviously beyond disgusted with lawmakers coddling and pacifying women for easy votes with this safety illusion fiasco.

Well, South Carolina has the right idea with passing that bill to prohibit names in laws with the correct reason behind it. Hopefully it can be a prime example to everyone else.

heck yes every comment on this page is epic ! Adam walsh raking in the bucks , and according to the very law he is so proud of he is at the very least a sex offender , I think because of his pushing of these laws he should get twice what anyone else gets